Bitumen Felt Roofing

How it works
The Bitumen Felt Roofing system involves a meticulous process of inspection, preparation, insulation, and the application of durable bitumen felt. This system ensures a reliable and long-lasting roofing solution, offering excellent weather resistance and protection against water infiltration. Additional components such as vapor barrier layers may be included to prevent moisture buildup. With customisable top finishes available in various colors and textures, the Bitumen Felt Roofing system not only provides functionality but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the building.

Is Bitumen Felt the System for you?
Bitumen Felt Roofing is a versatile solution suitable for a wide range of building types. It is particularly well-suited for industrial facilities, commercial buildings, warehouses, retail spaces, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and residential properties. The durable and weather-resistant nature of bitumen felt makes it an excellent choice for structures requiring reliable protection against the elements. Whether it's a large-scale industrial complex or a small commercial building, bitumen felt roofing offers a dependable and cost-effective solution that ensures long-lasting performance and peace of mind.